
The Worship Service

This is the center of what we are doing. When we gather together as a congregation we seek to promote congregational singing as a substantial part of our worship service which accompanies and serves the preaching. We prioritize the faithful expositional preaching of the Bible. The majority of the time in our worship service is devoted to listening to the preaching of the Word.

Sunday School

Our Sunday School program is intended to promote Christian Education, specifically in studying and being taught God's Word. Sunday School Classes are offered every Sunday from 8:30-9:30am and are available for all ages, including the nursery for infants and toddlers.

Sunday School

Our Sunday School program is intended to promote Christian Education, specifically in studying and being taught God's Word. Sunday School Classes are offered every Sunday (excluding June, July & August) from 8:45-9:45am and are available for all ages, including the nursery for infants and toddlers.

Gospel Community Groups

Community Groups are made up of members of the church who meet regularly to encourage, help, and provide accountability to each other in order to live under God’s Word.

Grace Institute

Preparing men and women for ministry in the local church; focusing on developing character, competency, and conviction. Grace Institute meets at Grace Church on Thursday Mornings in three trimesters each year.

Other Ministries

Members Meetings - On the third Sunday evening of every other month, the members meet from 5:30-7:00 pm.

Sunday Evening Service - On Sunday evenings we hear the Word preached and share a less formal time of singing Psalms and hymns, and praying together. The service meets from 5:30- 7:00 pm.

Please Contact Us if you would like more information about any of these groups.