Leadership Priorities

The leaders of this congregation seek to exemplify and cultivate within our church, our homes, and our businesses the following priorities.

Biblical Shepherding

Our leaders are not event planners; they are shepherds who provide care, protection, and guidance to our congregation.


Our leaders are committed to promote greater congregational health through the self-conscious pursuit of our stated mission and in accordance with our core values.

Humble Service

Our leaders seek to follow our Lord’s example of true greatness by our willingness to lay aside our own personal preferences for the greater good, by sacrificially loving those we seek to serve.


Our leaders are committed to transparency and accountability in all matters of church life; believing that knowing one another and allowing ourselves to be known is essential for real growth.

Protecting the Weak

Our leaders take seriously the biblical commands to pursue the protection and well-being of all people, especially the most vulnerable in our midst, little children, elderly, and those experiencing hardships.


Our leaders recognize that leadership is primarily a burden of responsibility, given by God, to care for His flock. to fulfill their responsibility, God has made them stewards of real, but delegated authority. As stewards, they shall give an answer to God, both for how they cared for His people and how they used the authority entrusted to them.