The Gospel in Song

One of the easiest ways to commit something to memory is to put it to song. Have you ever thought about how many songs you know by heart (and how easy it was to learn them)? Have you ever found yourself singing every word to an old song that you haven’t heard in years? It seems God has hard-wired us to respond to song and music in unique, powerful and lasting ways. Songs are used all through the Bible, in response to God’s mighty acts, in prayer and repentance, in mourning and joy, in worship and in instruction. It’s no accident that songs and music are so used by us and are so useful to us.

Risen Motherhood recently released a podcast called “Motherhood and Music: Remembering the Gospel through Song”. This short podcast provided a great reminder of simple ways we moms can instruct our children in the truths of the Gospel. Children love music, and they even love it if we aren’t the greatest singers! The music we sing at Grace church is carefully selected for its rich, doctrinal and scriptural content, as well as its musical beauty. Singing the songs that we sing congregationally at home with your children is a fantastic tool in their (and your) discipleship!

The songs that Pastor Matt has taught the kids in Sunday School are a treasure trove to springboard great discussions with your kids. Just this week, some of my kids and I were discussing generosity and God’s provision for all our needs. Our selfish hearts often make it hard to really be generous with others. Our conversation led to looking at how God is generous with us, which led us to sing “A Generous Heart” by Sovereign Grace Kids. They knew the song and could sing the lyrics from memory. It was a tool that prepared them for really thinking through how the Gospel affects every area of our lives.

In the same way that catechism questions equip our kids with the answers they need, scripture and biblical truth put to music instructs the mind and fills the heart. We remember it for our whole lives!

Check out the resources below and on the podcast website listed above, and start singing–for your own heart and for the hearts of your kids!


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Colossians 3:16


Listen Up: Songs from the parables of Jesus

TheOlogy: Ancient Truths Ever New

Risen Motherhood Resources

Scripture set to beautiful music by The Corner Room

TGC article on the Corner Room


This blog was written by Peggy Sue Miller.